

  HOW TO BECOME A F1 DRIVER By : Nur Aliah binti Rusdi ( AM2211012781) Formula One 2023 Driver Line-Up  WHAT IS FORMULA ONE ? Formula One Official Logo Formula One (F1) is a one of popular motorsport that known to global that unfortunately can cause the life of driver through an extreme accident that happened. Its one of the high class of single seater racing that race through open-wheels tire and on street circuit and permanent race track. F1 Grand Prix had been held since 1946 or 1947 according to what you thought the “real” Grand Prix is. While the Championship of F1 had been held since 1950. In F1, they are 10 teams with 2 driver for each team that competed.   For the drivers, they must started their career at a young age because of the career path that must be followed by all of the driver that want to be in the F1. CAREER PATH TO FORMULA ONE As we know, the path that for achieved something beyond the range it’s a long drive. The ups and downs in our career is ...


  HOW TO STUDY EFFICIENTLY BY: NUR FARAH ADILA BINTI AZIZI ID: AM2211012814 1. Study with group. You can exchange opinions or study materials with others. You also can ask them questions that don't understand. Apart from that, you can do a activities like quizzes and other else.Indirectly, you can raise the level of self-confidence.  2.Find a quiet study spot with minimal distractions. First, you need to find the most comfortable place to study. for example in the library. It will help you to focus more while studying. You should avoid studying in too comfortable places like in bed. The place of study is essential to ensure a level of focus. 3.Taking a simple notes. By writing a simple note you can understand the subject that has been studied more easily. For example creating a mind map. Then, you can look back at notes taken after class . 4.Pay attention in class. It is important for us to concentrate while the teacher is teaching ahead. Practically listen while taking notes ...


HOW TO FOCUS ON STUDY  By: NUR NAZIHAH BINTI MOHAMMAD ZAINON (AM 22110122791)  1. Set study goals As a student or a ptofessional , everyone should have their own dreams. This will make a person gocus and stay with his stance to achieve his dreams. If there is not dream in that person, this will be no direction in his life or where his goal is to go next . Setting study goals will also give you the confidence to continue your life journey regardless of other people's words, because if we have confidence, we will be able to focus more and calm our soul and mind. 2. Drink plenty of water and eat well While carrying out their responsibilities  as students, many students will focus on their studies and ignore health and how to eat . The easiest way to help yourself perform to your best ability is to stay hydrated and keep away from junk food . Set a reminder on your phone or your notesbook to drink a large glass of water everyday and snack on healthy fruit during your studies ...


How to Improve Communication Skills By: Nur 'Aliyah Syahirah  (AM2211012795) Listen Listening is a very important communication skills. Communications in always a  2-ways process  and many people forget about it and fall to 'broadcasting'.  You have to reflect and seek clarification to be sure that you have understood the message as the speaker meant it . How you want to give a good response when you are not listening?  Not only does listening enhance your ability to understand better and make you a better communicator, it also makes the experience of speaking to you more enjoyable to other people. Studying and Understanding Non-Verbal Communication Non-Verbal Communication or what is also called Body Language is also include facial expressions, eye contact, body movements and gestures, voice tone, posture, and breathing. They help you and others to know what the message really means.  Remember to use more positive non-verbal cues especially whe...


  HOW TO PREPARE FOR AN EXAM By: NURANIS SABRINA BINTI KAMARUL AZLAN  (AM2211012785) 1.Organize your schedule   -You should give yourself enough time to study and sort out your time management by making a calendar for your entire semester. Write down your assignment deadlines  and all the exam dates. Afterwards,  use the time you have to organize your study habits accordingly.  2. Maximize study time  i. Rewrite notes  Rewriting notes is a way for you to remember and understand the material you have learned. By Rewriting notes you will use areas of your brain to recalled, thinking what you heard, analyze and highlight the important information. ii. Take a regular breaks -Take a breaks are important for your mental health and brain to retain information better. Skipping breaks and study long hours it’s an awful ideas cause it will lead to burnout and higher stress levels.  3. Organize your study space  -The enviroment of place where ...